切实加强电站锅炉安装前质量检验 确保安全运行

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由于近2年火电建设规模大,锅炉生产厂家订货多,大型锅炉的生产能力严重不足,造成发电锅炉供不应求。因此大型锅炉制造厂把一些主要承压部件的生产委托其他协作厂生产。由于锅炉制造厂对协作厂生产过程中监管不严或协作厂对产品质量把关不严,由此使锅炉产品质量有较大幅度的下降。锅炉产品质量的好坏将直接影响锅炉投产后的安全生产,如果不能及时检查发现并消除重要缺陷,给电厂的今后安全生产留下隐患,则锅炉产品的安装前的质量检验工作必须加强。新疆2005年的2项重点火电建设工程,国电库车发电有限责任公司和新疆华电吐鲁番有限责任公司(以下称库电、吐电)新建1号炉均系某锅炉厂生产的 Due to the large scale of thermal power construction in the past two years and the large number of orders from the boiler manufacturers, the production capacity of large boilers is seriously insufficient, resulting in a shortage of power generation boilers. Therefore, the major boiler manufacturers to some of the main production of pressure parts commissioned by other collaboration plant production. As the boiler manufacturer in the coordination of plant production process lax supervision or collaboration plant on the product quality checks lax, thus making the boiler product quality has a more substantial decline. The quality of the boiler will have a direct impact on the safety of the boiler after it is put into production. If it can not be detected and eliminated in time, it will leave hidden dangers for the future safety of the power plant. The quality inspection before the installation of the boiler must be strengthened. Xinjiang’s 2005 two major thermal power construction projects, State Power Kuqa Power Generation Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Huadian Turpan limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as the Bank of electricity, spit) New No. 1 furnace are a boiler plant production
2003年7月15日北京市海淀区卫生局卫生监督所接到北安河乡卫生院防保科的报告,"北安河村居民在使用自备井水时发现水中有农药味",海淀区卫生局卫生监督所监督员即刻到达现场, 会同环卫局、水利局对水污染情况作了调查,结果报告如下。
最爱在花香满屋的清晨,舒展自己又多又大的梦想;最爱在阳光灿烂的下午品一杯清茶,想象西藏纯洁湛蓝的天空;最爱在寂静的深夜,赏一本好书,为一首好歌伤心 Love in the mornin
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