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目的 探讨对比剂追踪DSA技术在胸、腹主动脉、髂及四肢动脉造影中的应用。方法2 5例患者进行 40例次对比剂追踪DSA检查 ,使用系统的MaskBefore程序 ,用控制手柄控制导管床的移动 ,获得与血流速度一致的实时对比剂追踪DSA图像。结果  40例次造影中 ,35例次造影图像质量优良 ,占 87.5 % ,5例次造影图像质量欠佳 ,占 12 .5 % ,经非减影处理后仍能满足诊断需要。结论对比剂追踪DSA能准确显示从胸至四肢的大范围血管解剖结构和血流情况 ,是一种能连续实时观察多段血管结构的新方法。 Objective To investigate the application of contrast-enhanced DSA in thoracic, abdominal aorta, iliac and limbs arteriography. Methods Twenty-five patients underwent DSA with 40 contrast agents followed by a controlled MaskBefore program with a control handle to control the movement of the catheter bed to obtain real-time DSA images consistent with blood flow velocity. Results Among the 40 sub-contrast images, 35 sub-contrast images were excellent, accounting for 87.5%. The sub-images in 5 sub-images were poor in quality, accounting for 12.5%. The non-subtracted images could still meet the diagnostic needs. Conclusions DSA can accurately display the wide range of vascular anatomy and blood flow from thoracic to extremities and is a new method to continuously observe the multi-segment vascular structure in real time.
“德育,化作了学生的血肉,成了他们的生命自觉。”每当我看到这样的字眼时,后背总是感到莫名的发凉。在我看来,德育不是面对军人,它面对的是学生,是真实的人、成长的人。真实的人是不完美的人,活得自在的人;成长的人就是有追求,但也应该是有选择的人。我们学校的德育也应该给孩子留一方宽松的土壤和自由呼吸的天空。  因此,我覺得学校德育更像是给孩子的人生“打一层精神的底色”。我们德天实验小学的学生主要来自杭氧、