以人为本 原则有三

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现代化管理的核心和动力是人与人的积极性。因此,一切管理均应从人的因素抓起,发挥人的主观能动性、调动人的积极性,以做好人的工作为根本,提高企业的整体素质。建立以人为本的现代化管理,必须遵循以下三项原则: 一、能级对应原则。能级原理要求企业管理必须使相应才能的人处于相应的岗位上,做到知人善任、人尽其才,并通过人们在各个相关岗位的流动,发现、锻炼和检验人们的才能。这样的管理体制才能形成稳定的结构,持续高效地运转。现代化管理的理论和实践证明:稳定的管理结构应为正立的三角形,上面尖、下面宽。即上面为企业领导集团人物和决 The core of modern management and motivation is the enthusiasm of people. Therefore, all management should start from the human factor, give play to the subjective initiative of the people, mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, do a good job of people’s work, and improve the overall quality of the enterprise. The establishment of people-oriented modern management, we must follow the following three principles: First, the level corresponding principle. The principle of energy level requires that the enterprise management must make the corresponding talents in the corresponding positions so that they can know their talents, make the best use of their talents and discover, train and test people’s talents through the flow of people in all relevant positions. Such a management system can form a stable structure and operate continuously and efficiently. The theory and practice of modern management have proved that a stable management structure should be an upright triangle with a pointed tip and a wide bottom. That is above the leaders of business leaders and decisions
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“归舟昔岁宿严陵,雨打疏篷听到明。昨夜茅檐疏雨作,梦中唤作打篷声。”昨夜小楼又东风,疏雨引呢喃湿衣袖,悄然入梦,滴答声仍纷至沓来,那是止水般的心境中,雨滴盛开的声音。—题记  这是一个茶香氤氲起意境的夜,没有漫天的星辰,亦没有皎洁的月光,天穹比平时更黑一分,似被那浓墨浸染透了,又似泛潮般铺平的压抑。安静的夜,是一首不拘一格的现代诗作,不赞一词,只能默默参透。渐渐地,沉睡着的东风缓缓苏醒,携着一股清
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《语文新课程标准》强调:“写作要感情真挚,力求表达自己对自然、社会、人生的独特感受和真切体会。”强调写作要放飞心灵,张扬个性。 The “New Language Standards for C
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词语含义 比喻为局部或暂时现象所迷惑,看不清事物的全部、主流或本质。  成语示例 毛泽东《论持久战》:“一叶障目,不见泰山,而自以为是。”
在地理意义上,巴伐利亚只是德国的一个自由州。在商业意义上,巴伐利亚是汽车品牌宝马的诞生地。可我更钟爱它的另一层意义——为艺术而陷入疯狂的王国,那位末代的巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世将他年轻而灿烂的一生,尽数献给了诗歌及绘画。他从来没有自封为国王,而是自比成瓦格纳歌剧中的天鹅骑士,缔造了孕育童话的新天鹅堡,即便是死亡,也犹如天鹅般坠落在了施塔恩贝格湖。  历史悠久的巴伐利亚因为路德维希二世陡然变成了十几