淄博市淄川区自1953年发现第1例布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)患者以来,4O多年来,本区曾进行过多次有组织的布病调查并坚持了常年对重点人群的监测,绝大多数患者被发现且得到了有效治疗,但布病发病分散,病程绵缠,虽尽全力,仍有少数患者遗有关节疼痛,全身无力等症状和皮试及血清学指标阳性等。我站自80年代以来,就注意到了有关血清学试验资料的积累和血清标本的搜集及保存等。现将96例急、慢性期布病血清学追踪观察结果如下。1 材料和方法1.1 培养见参考文献[1]1.2 血清学试验 SAT(试管凝集试验),用常规法。CFT(补体结合试验),37℃2Omin加温法。Coomb’s(抗人球蛋白试验),1991年前用试管法,1991年后改用微量法,
Zichuan District Zibo District since 1953 found the first case of brucellosis (referred to as brucellosis) patients, 4O over the years, the area has conducted many organized brucellosis investigation and insisted perennial focus on the population Monitoring, the vast majority of patients were found and have been effectively treated, but the incidence of brucellosis scattered, the course of cotton wrapped, although best, there are still a few patients left with joint pain, general weakness and other symptoms and skin tests and positive serological indicators . Since the 1980s, I have noticed the accumulation of serological test data and the collection and preservation of serum samples. Now 96 cases of acute and chronic septicemia serological follow-up observations are as follows. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 See reference [1] 1.2 Serological test SAT (tube agglutination test), using conventional methods. CFT (complement fixation test), 37 ℃ 2Omin warming method. Coomb’s (anti-human globulin test), test tube method before 1991, micro-method after 1991,