1989年10月,秋风萧瑟。先农坛内北京田径队教练们的心头,袭来阵阵冷意。在刚刚结束的第2届全国青运会上,北京田径队总算拿到了1枚金牌,但这枚金牌的女得主田青不是出自先农坛,而是来自市第二体育运动学校。男子最好的名次是乙组撑杆跳的铜牌得主刘志勇倒是出自先农坛。23名选手进军沈阳,可男女甲乙4个组总共才得了57.5分,抵不上人家一个组第1名总分的1 3或1 4。分组查看,着实叫人羞愧;男子甲组得20分列第15名,女子甲组得9.5分列第15名,男子乙组得7分列第23名,女子乙组得21分列第12名。败绩,北京田径史上罕见的败绩!即便国家体委作出了
October 1989, autumn wind bleak. Bento altar Beijing track and field team coaches mind, hit buzzing. At the just-concluded 2nd National Youth Games, Beijing Athletic Team finally got a gold medal, but this gold medal female Tian Tian did not come from Xiannong Tan, but from the Second Sports School. Men’s best place is the B team vanguard bronze medalist Liu Zhiyong come from the farmer altar. 23 players into Shenyang, male and female A and B teams can only get a total of 57.5 points, not a member of a group of the first total score of 13 or 14. Group A look shameful indeed; Men’s A group of 20 points ranked 15th, Women’s Group A 9.5 points ranked 15th, Men’s B Group 7 points ranked 23th, Women’s B Group 21 points out 12th name. Defeat, Beijing track and field history rare defeat! Even if the state body made