一、花期应用2,4-D 兴城市春季大棚番茄始花期多在4月中下旬,此时棚内外温度较低,棚内光照不足,落花落果较重。近年来,我们用2,4-D处理花序和果实,即可抑制花柄或果柄处离层形成,防止落花落果,又可促进果实早熟。
First, flowering application 2,4-D Xingcheng spring greenhouse flowering and more flowering in mid to late April, when the temperature inside and outside the shed is low, the shed light inadequate, falling flowers heavier. In recent years, we use 2,4-D treatment of inflorescences and fruits, you can inhibit the flower stalk or stalk separation formation, to prevent falling off fruit, but also to promote fruit precocity.