口腔颌面外科手术如前庭成形术,常需植皮,目前常用的敷料有供皮区疼痛、创面渗液,不便沐浴、污染衣服和床单等缺点。近来已有一种新型敷料方便地应用到厚断层皮肤移植的供皮区。这种敷料是一种薄的、透明的、半渗透性聚氨基甲酸酯薄膜,聚氨基甲酸酯借助聚乙烯醚粘贴在薄膜的一边,敷料有弹性,可很好的适应创面。此半渗透性敷料(Semipermeable dressing SPD)可以阻止细菌及水份的侵入,但不防碍空气和水蒸气的通透性。因此在敷料下提供了一个湿润的创面环境,并可察看敷料下创面愈合的全过程。可以清楚辨认创面感染而及时加以处理。敷料与创面周围边缘皮肤粘着良
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, such as vestibular angioplasty, often require skin grafting, the commonly used dressing for the skin area pain, wound exudate, bath inconvenience, pollution and linen and other shortcomings. Recently, a new type of dressing has been conveniently applied to the donor area of thick-cutaneous skin grafts. The dressing is a thin, transparent, semi-permeable polyurethane film with polyurethane attached to one side of the film via a polyvinyl ether adhesive that is flexible and adapts well to the wound. This semipermeable dressing SPD prevents bacteria and water ingress, but does not hinder the permeability of air and water vapor. Therefore, under the dressing provides a moist wound environment, and can see the dressing under the wound healing process. Can clearly identify the wound infection in a timely manner to be addressed. Dressing and wound around the edge of the skin good adhesion