One of the key indicators of the torque converter impeller accuracy is the “surface profile” of the blades and runners, which has a significant impact on the performance of the torque converter. Blades and runners are cast and shaped and can not be machined, but this accuracy, in addition to casting, also reduces accuracy more or less during turning. When the turning datum is not properly selected, the accuracy will be seriously reduced to less than the drawing requirements. Sometimes it is possible to drive the tip of the blade to a portion. In particular, the impeller cast in the core of a set is more likely to be produced because the tip of the set of core cast impellers often has a number of “slits” so that there is no clear boundary between the blade and the slits. In addition, the turning plane is often associated with the casting process, in order to meet the needs of the turning datum, and sometimes the casting process should be used in certain ways. So this is a kind of casting and machine