一、材料和方法: 结素:为成都生物制品研究所生产的1:2000浓度的旧结核菌素。卡介苗;为成都生物制品研究所生产的0.75 mg/ml皮内注射卡介苗。先给受检者作5单位的旧结素皮内试验,反应阴性者立即接种卡介苗,强阳性者进行胸部X线透视,疑有活动性肺结核者拍正位胸片,由我院防痨科医师三人以上集体阅片作出诊断,确诊者进行抗痨治疗,并登记管理。诊断标准以1978年全国结核病防治工作会议制定的标准为依据。
First, the material and methods: Results: Chengdu Institute of Biological Products produced 1: 2000 concentration of old tuberculin. BCG; Chengdu Institute of Biological Products produced 0.75 mg / ml intradermal BCG injection. First give the subjects for 5 units of the old knot intradermal test, negative reaction were immediately vaccinated BCG, strong positive for chest X-ray, suspected active tuberculosis were taking positive chest X-ray from our hospital anti-tuberculosis Physicians more than three collective readings to make a diagnosis, the diagnosis of anti-tuberculosis treatment, and registration management. The diagnostic criteria are based on the criteria established by the 1978 national tuberculosis prevention and control work conference.