第三部份 湖北—12型机耕船田间性能试验

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机耕船是贫下中农、工人和技术人员自行设计的一种新型水田作业动力机具,在我省经近十年的群众性创制和不断改进,于1974年底在省内定型投产,并定名为湖北—12型。此种机型虽已定型,深受广大贫下中农欢迎,但不少方面,仍有改进提高的必要。由于过去缺乏测试手段,且机耕船在结构和工作原理上与四轮和手扶拖拉机都有很大的差异,一些现有资料难予借鉴,为研制性能更好的机耕船,就有对其进行较为全面研究试验的必要。从这一目的出发,由洪湖县农机厂、洛阳拖拉机研究所和我所共同组织了试验组,对湖北—12型进行了一些研究性试验。1975年9月20日对发动机进行了调速特性试验,10月14日至18日在泥脚较浅的基本农田进行了牵引试验、旋耕机组试验和犁耕机组试验及过田埂、倒车、转向等特 Machine-driven farming is a new type of paddy field power tool designed by poor middle-peasants, workers and technicians. It was put into operation in the province by the end of 1974 at the mass creation and continuous improvement of nearly 10 years in our province and was named Hubei- 12 type. Although such models have been stereotyping, welcomed by the majority of poor farmers, but in many aspects, there is still the need to improve and improve. Due to the lack of testing methods in the past, and the structure and working principle of the tractor are quite different from those of the four-wheeled and the tractor, some of the existing data are difficult to draw lessons from. In order to develop the better-performance tractor, A more comprehensive study of the need for testing. From this purpose, by Honghu County Agricultural Machinery Factory, Luoyang Tractor Institute and I jointly organized a test group, Hubei-12 type conducted some research experiments. On September 20, 1975, the engine was tested for its speed governing characteristics. From October 14 to 18, traction tests were carried out on the basic farmland with shallower muddy soil. Experiments were carried out on the rotary cultivator units and plowing units, Steering and other special
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