当今社会,吸烟是男性常见的不良嗜好,而勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)则是男性常见的难言之隐。美国成年人中吸烟比例达21.6%,国内男性吸烟率达66%,15岁以上吸烟者达3.5亿。吸烟带来的危害众所周知,但是只有26%的烟民希望戒烟。与此同时,研究表明全球有超过1.5亿男性患有不同程度的ED,国内49岁以上男性ED的患病率达40.2%。当其他吸烟相关危害(如恶性肿瘤、
In today’s society, smoking is a common male bad habits, and erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common male unspeakable. The proportion of smokers in adults in the United States reached 21.6%, that of domestic men was 66%, and that of smokers above 15 years old reached 350 million. The harm caused by smoking is well known, but only 26% of smokers want to quit smoking. In the meantime, studies have shown that more than 150 million men worldwide have varying degrees of ED, and the prevalence of ED among men 49 and over in the country is 40.2%. When other smoking-related hazards (such as cancer,