Conflict Resolution Based on Collaborative Design of Grid Services

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hamihami
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To the issues of low efficiency of conflict resolution method in collaborative design, we proposed a method, which is conflict resolution about collaborative design based on grid ser-vices. It uses the grid services from the current design points, uses the method of retrospective thinking to find the conflict point by detecting, and then uses the corresponding method to resolve the conflict point according to the conflict characteristic, after that carried on the conflict detection again. If there is still the conflict, resolve the conflict point again, until the conflict no longer exists. This method combines various traditional resolution methods, makes full use of the grid idle high-performance large-scale shar-ing resources. With this method the collaborative design conflict resolution cost reduced and the conflict resolution efficiency was raised. And then the problem which is not handled completely was then solved, so that the conflict resolution quality was guaranteed. To the issues of low efficiency of conflict resolution method in collaborative design, we proposed a method, which is conflict resolution about collaborative design based on grid ser-vices. It uses the grid services from the current design points, using the method of retrospective thinking to find the conflict point by detecting, and then using the corresponding method to resolve the conflict point according to the conflict characteristic, after that carried on the conflict detection again. no longer exists. This method combines various traditional resolution methods, makes full use of the grid idle high-performance large-scale shar-ing resources. With then the problem which is not handled completely was then solved, so that the conflict resolution quality was guaranteed.
本文从柴油机燃油压力波的特征出发,建立ARI(Auto—Regressive Integra—ted)时序参数模型.通过对不同故障下的燃油压力波基于ARI时序参数的现代谱分析,说明ARI时序参数模型
有一个人,叫鼠标。前些日子,他的小公司破产了,资不抵债,他得把账要回来,然后周转。在他看来,欠账还钱是天经地义的事,更何况,他现在拮据。欠账的人应该很爽快地还他钱。  结果,他遇上了麻烦。两家欠他钱的人,翻脸不认人,无论如何也不承认借过他的钱。人家说得也有道理。说我们欠你钱,白纸黑字,你拿出字据来啊?  是的,他没有。  他为什么不写下字据呢?原因是那会儿生意兴隆的时候,他的公司日进斗金,这两个合
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