首先介绍一下惠普战系列台式机HP Zhan 86 Pro G1这款小型立式台式机的九大特点:1.稳定可靠,经过100万小时无故障测试;2.免工具开启机箱,易于维护;3.卓越的性能保障应用流畅无卡顿,帮助创业者提升工作效率;4.与前代产品HP 286 Pro G2相比,机身缩小27%,占用更小的办公空间;5.配备HP Velocity网络优化软件,可大幅改善用户数
First of all, to introduce the HP war series desktop HP Zhan 86 Pro G1 of this small vertical desktop nine major features: 1. Stable, 100 million hours after failure-free test; 2. Tool-free open chassis, easy to maintain; Outstanding Performance Ensures Fulfillment Without Fatigue and Helps Fasteners Increase Productivity 4. Narrows Body by 27% and Smaller Office Space Compared to Previous Generation HP 286 Pro G2 5. Equipped with HP Velocity Network Optimization Software, can significantly improve the number of users