我曾是一名特级飞行员和飞行团长,在空军部队度过了26个春秋,并有幸见过4位上将军衔的领导,和他们有过多多少少的交集。深入基层,不说虚套话的许世友1 9 7 3年底,根据毛主席指示,八大军区司令员进行对调,许世友从南京军区调到广州军区任司令员。他一到任,就把广州军区所辖的陆海空部队全部视察了一遍。一天上午,两辆北京吉普车在我们机场跑道头作战值班休息室停了下来,从车里走出许司令和他的随从。许司令个子不高,胖墩墩的身材,脸略有些黑,穿一身军装,但
I was a super-pilot and a flying commander. I spent 26 years in the Air Force and had the honor to meet the leaders of the four generals and have had more, more or less overlap with them. At the grassroots level, Xu Shiyou did not say the slightest words. At the end of 1973, according to Chairman Mao’s instructions, the commanders of the eight major military regions exchanged their speeches. Xu Shiyou was transferred from the Nanjing Military Region to the Guangzhou Military Region as commander. As soon as he assumed office, he inspected the entire army, navy and naval forces under the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Military Region. One morning, two Beijing Jeeps stopped at the first duty lounge in our airport runway, and led Commander Xu and his entourage out of the car. Xu commander is not tall, plump body, face a bit black, wearing a uniform, but