认识杨铭仪先生纯属是一种巧合,老先生却说这是一种缘分。说来,也的确有几分缘分,因为我觉得杨老先生在炎热的季节里,依然坦胸露背银须拂动的样子,很有几分令人眼熟。同我一起来这里的作家晓凡老师笑着告诉我:你肯定会认识他的,还记得前些年在我们国家召开的第十一届亚运会吗?我这才恍然大悟,杨老先生那飘拂的银须莫不就是在那个开幕式上,在练太极拳的队伍里,站在最前列,飘着一脸银须的长者? 老先生笑了,那算是默认。晓凡老师却夸了一句:真算你好记忆。其实,那次亚运会是中国走向世界的一次令人激动的亮相!老先生真乃好福气,那种亮相可是一个民族形象的代表啊!岁月荏苒,然
It is purely a coincidence that Mr. Yang Mingyi is acquainted, but the old gentleman said that this is a fate. In fact, there are indeed some fate, because I think Mr. Yang Lao in the hot season, is still a silver beard fluttering look, very familiar. Xiaofan, the writer who came with me here, smiled and told me: You will know him, remember the 11th Asian Games held in our country a few years ago? I just realized that Mr. Yang laughed Silver must be in that opening ceremony, in the ranks of practicing Taijiquan, standing in the forefront, floating face silver beard elders? The old man laughed, it regarded as the default. Xiao-Fan teachers boasted one: really forget your memory. Actually, that Asian Games was an exciting debut for China to go to the world! Mr. Lao is really blessed, but the appearance of a representative of the national image ah! Years 荏 苒 Ran