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《中国农村卫生服务筹资和农村医生报酬机制研究》是世界银行卫生贷款项目四中的研究课题。课题的主要目的是通过社会实验性研究,探索当前我国农村地区卫生服务筹资的基本方式,特别是合作医疗筹资和管理的具体方法;研究我国农村卫生人力的现状及其服务补偿的方法,并探索稳定队伍,提高服务质量,保证农民得到基本卫生服务的付费方法。该研究从1995年开始启动,历时5年多时间,现已得到了初步的研究结果。 该课题研究的参与者众多,课题组成员单位包括:卫生部基层卫生和妇幼保健司、卫生部国外贷款办公室、原北京医科大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系、上海医科大学公共卫生学院、山西省、河南省、福建省、贵州省卫四项目课题组、国外课题技术指导组(美国兰德公司、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、美国南加州大学(UCB)、美国加州大学伯克利分校(USC))。卫生部统计信息中心陈育德教授和上海医科大学龚幼龙教授作为该课题的顾问。 《中国初级卫生保健》杂志一直关注着卫四项目的研究进展,自2000年第7期开始我们将分几期刊出该课题研究的技术报告。主要报告的内容包括问题的提出和研究背景、课题的研究设计以及分别由原北京医科大学公共卫生学院完成的筹资研究部分和原上海医科大学负责完成的报酬研究部分。希 The “Research on Rural Health Service Financing and the Compensation Mechanism of Rural Doctors” is a research topic of the World Bank Health Loan Project IV. The main purpose of the project is to explore the basic ways of financing health services in rural areas in China through social experimental research, especially the specific methods for financing and management of cooperative medical care; research on the status quo of rural health workforce in China and its methods of service compensation, and explore Stabilize the team, improve service quality, and ensure that farmers receive basic health service payment methods. The study began in 1995 and lasted more than five years. Preliminary results have been obtained. There are many participants in the research. The members of the research group include: Department of Health and Maternal and Child Health of the Ministry of Health, Foreign Loan Office of the Ministry of Health, Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, School of Public Health, Shanghai Medical University, Research Team of Wei Si Project of Shanxi Province, Henan Province, Fujian Province, Guizhou Province, Technical Guidance Team of Foreign Projects (Rand Corporation, UCLA, UCB, University of California, Berkeley) (USC)). Prof. Chen Yude from the Statistical Information Center of the Ministry of Health and Prof. Gong Yulong from Shanghai Medical University are advisors to this topic. China Primary Health Care magazine has been paying attention to the research progress of the Wei 4 Project. Since the 7th issue in 2000, we will publish technical reports on the research of this project in several periodicals. The contents of the main report included the questioning and research background, the study design of the topic, and the fundraising research part completed by the former Beijing Medical University School of Public Health and the remuneration research part of the former Shanghai Medical University. hope
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