2000年对于北欧航空公司来说是个丰收年。尽管北京—哥本哈根航线在整个北欧航的业务量中的比重很轻,但仍呈上升之势。北欧航中国地区总经理汤阳(Terje Thoresen)说,“2000年由北京飞往哥本哈根继而飞往欧洲各地的乘客数量已经达到97000名,货物量4900多吨,而且出现了近年货运市场上罕见的卖方市场。我们全力关注中国加入WTO,我们的目标是让越来越多的中国人乘坐我们的航班,我们愿意通过我们的服务增进中国和北欧人民的了解和友谊。”汤阳先生
2000 is a bumper harvest year for Scandinavian Airlines. Although the Beijing-Copenhagen route accounts for a very small part of the volume of traffic across Scandinavian Airlines, it is still on the rise. Terje Thoresen, the general manager of Scandinavian China, said: “The number of passengers flying from Beijing to Copenhagen in 2000 and then to Europe reached 97,000 and the cargo volume was over 4,900 tons. We are fully concerned about China's accession to the WTO and our goal is to get more and more Chinese people on our flight and we are willing to promote the understanding and friendship between China and the Nordic peoples through our services. ”Mr. Tang Yang