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读了1961年《红旗》十四期吴江同志写的《论发展过程中的部分质变》一文,从哲学的观点上看,这是一篇好文章,值得我们学习和研究;但吴江同志谈到中国新民主主义发展的阶段时,把五四运动和北伐战争、土地革命战争、抗日战争和人民解放战争这几个发展阶段,等同视之;认为五四运动与北伐战争、土地革命战争……等等,同为中国的新民主主义革命,这是值得商榷的.这个问题本来是属于历史范畴中的主要论题,不过在最近一两年内,据我所接触到的,在教学方面也好,或在探讨五四革命运动领导权时也好,往往发生不同的意见,迄今仍未解决.我同意几位同志的意见,认为五四革命运动是否就是新民主主义革命这一问题,有提出来讨论的必要.如果我们对此问题能通过讨论得出一致的结论,对各方面来说都是有好处的. From the philosophical point of view, this article is a good essay that deserves our study and study. This article was read by Comrade Wu Jiang in his article “Some qualitative changes in the course of development” written by Comrade Wu Jiang in the fourteenth “Red Flag” of 1961 At the stage of the development of China’s new democratization, the May 4th Movement equaled the development stages of the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Anti-Japanese War and the People’s Liberation War. They considered that the May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War ... It is debatable whether it is the new-democratic revolution in China. This issue was originally a major issue in the historical context. However, in the past year or two, as far as I am approached, teaching is very good. Or when discussing the leadership of the May Fourth Revolutionary Movement, they often have different opinions and have not yet resolved so far. I agree with the opinions of a few comrades and hold the view that whether the May Fourth revolutionary movement was a question of the new-democratic revolution or not If we can reach a consensus on this issue through discussion, it is good for all parties.
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