Investigation of biomembrane-drug interactions of different biomembranes by capillary electrophoresi

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiansujiao
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Biomembrane-coated capillaries are prepared by coating different kinds of biomembranes including mice red cell membrane, human red cell membrane and S-180 cell membrane on the inner surface of the capillary, respectively. Effects of immobilized biomembrane amount, pH and biomembrane species on the interactions between drugs and biomembranes have been evaluated. The results showed that the chromatographic retention factor for each drug was essentially related to the amount of immobilized biomembrane, the pH and the type of biomembrane. Biomembrane-coated capillaries are prepared by coating different kinds of biomembranes including mice red cell membrane, human red cell membrane and S-180 cell membrane on the inner surface of the capillary, respectively. Effects of immobilized biomembrane amount, pH and biomembrane species on the The interaction between drugs and biomembranes have been evaluated. The results showed that the chromatographic retention factor for each drug was essentially related to the amount of immobilized biomembrane, the pH and the type of biomembrane.
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