Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-producing hepatocellular carcinoma with abrupt changes

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan107
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Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF)-producing tumor is one of the rare types of cancer clinically characterized by an elevated fever and white blood cell(WBC) increment. Although G-CSF producing tumors have been reported in several types of cancer including those of the lungs, cervix and bladder, G-CSF producing hepatocellular carcinoma is extremely rare. Here, we report the case of a rapidly growing and poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma producing G-CSF. The patient showed symptoms of continuous high fever, stomach pain and cough, and high serum WBC counts, C-reactive protein(CRP) and G-CSF levels were found in laboratory tests. After a radical hepatectomy, the patient completely recovered from the above symptoms and inflammatory state. The serum levels of G-CSF were reduced to normal levels after radical surgery. An immunohistochemical analysis revealed the overexpression of G-CSF in the cytoplasm of certain hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) cell. The patient’s serum WBC, CRP and G-CSF levels remained within normal levels in the six months after surgery without recurrence. This is the 9~(th) case report of G-CSF producing hepatocellular carcinoma in English literature. We review the clinical characteristics of the G-CSF producing HCC and discuss a possible treatment strategy. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) -producing tumor is one of the rare types of cancer clinically characterized by an elevated fever and white blood cell (WBC) increment. Although G-CSF producing tumors have been reported in several types of cancer including those of the lungs, cervix and bladder, G-CSF producing hepatocellular carcinoma is extremely rare. Here, we report the case of a rapidly growing and poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma producing G-CSF. The patient showed symptoms of continuous high fever, stomach pain and cough, and high serum WBC counts, C-reactive protein (CRP) and G-CSF levels were found in laboratory tests. After a radical hepatectomy, the patient completely recovered from the symptoms and inflammatory state. The serum levels of G -CSF were reduced to normal levels after radical surgery. An immunohistochemical analysis revealed the overexpression of G-CSF in the cytoplasm of certain hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell. The patient’s serum WBC, CRP and G-CSF levels remained within normal levels in the six months after surgery without recurrence. This is the 9 th (th) case report of G-CSF producing hepatocellular carcinoma in English literature. We review the clinical characteristics of the G -CSF producing HCC and discuss a possible treatment strategy.
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摘 要:在当前小学教学中,由于数学是学生的主要考试科目,所以就是为了让学生能够拿到更好的成绩,教师对学生的数学学习大包大揽,从而形成了当前影响学生全面发展的应试教育。虽然应试教育能够有效地提高学生的学习考试成绩,但是也导致学生对于教师的学习依赖感,学生也没有办法自主展开学习,更影响了学生的未来生活与学习。在我国当前教学改革的不断深化的大背景下,小学数学课堂应当转变教学思路,将课堂还给学生,突出以学
摘 要:随着时代的发展与社会的进步,高中数学的教学也应该顺应时代潮流,转变发展趋势,着力于培养同学们的数学核心素养,以此来为同学们今后的学习和发展奠基。高中数学教师应该根据学生的具体情况,通过小组合作、趣味教学、师生互动、角色转换等方式,来培养同学们的数学核心素养,为同学们提供一个良好的教学体验。  关键词:核心素养;高中数学;有效课堂;教学方法  就目前的情况而言,高中数学教学的功利化现象过于严
摘 要:在《课程标准(2011年版)》中有如下的规定:“几何直观指的是通过图形的描述以及分析有关数学的问题”。通过几何直观,可以将较为繁杂的数学问题进行简化,这样就可以帮助解决问题,预测结果。几何直观指的是通过图形对数学对象的含义进行描述,但是也不能将直观手段认为是几何直观。在数学的学习中,几何直观必不可少,不管是计算,还是概念,又或者是解决数学问题,都能够利用直观来帮助学生理解数学知识。人们都知
摘 要:伴随新课程改革的持续深入,培养学生核心素养逐渐受到各阶段教师的公认,在实际教学时也更加重视对学生核心素养的培养。开展高中数学教学时,要求教师充分结合学科特征,积极调整教学策略,促使策略运用与教学内容的基本特征相符,确保高质量开展学科教学与学生核心素养形成同步实现。  关键词:高中数学;核心素养;课堂教学  一、 引言  教学改革的推进,进一步提升了教师对于核心素养的认识。因此,在实际教学时
摘 要:伴随新课标改革的全面实施,开展高中数学学科教学,教师如果按照传统的教学模式和思路,显然无法满足时代发展对数学学科教学的需求,难以有效培养学生的综合能力与核心素养,甚至在一定程度上限制了学生学科综合能力的提升,因此,教师应围绕培养学生数学核心素养目标,研究制订教学策略,不断提升课堂教学实效。  关键词:核心素养;高中数学;教学策略  一、 引言  以往开展数学学科教学时,受高考等因素的影响,
摘 要:初中是九年义务制教育的关键阶段,不但是学生身心快速发展的巨变时期,也是学生接受新知识养成良好习惯的最佳时期。数学核心素养,是数学学科最为重要的学科内涵,发展学生的数学核心素养对于其未来发展具有重要意义。本文立足于现实,分析了我国初中数学日常教学中普遍存在的一些问题,进而阐述基于发展学生核心素养的初中数学教学优化策略。  关键词:学生核心素养;初中数学;教学优化  一、 引言  随着我国教育