近两年来,江苏省武进市不断加大国有企业改制力度,全市国有市属企业改制面已达 90%以上。在具体操作过程中,武进市劳动局始终坚持把配合市属企业改革作为中心任务来抓,按照“全面参与,全力支持,全方位保障”的指导思想,积极攻坚,在规范企业改制操作行为、妥善处理职工
In the past two years, Wujin City, Jiangsu Province, has continuously increased the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and the state-owned enterprises in the city have reached more than 90% of the restructuring. During the specific operation, the Labor Bureau of Wujin always adhered to the principle of coordinating the reform of municipal enterprises as the central task. In accordance with the guiding ideology of “full participation, full support and all-round protection”, Wujin Municipal Bureau of Labor actively tackled the problems in regulating the operation of enterprise restructuring, Properly handle workers