
来源 :中国外语教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbaaccd
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本文从教师专业化的内涵和发展策略两个方面综述和反思了“外语教师职业化发展研修班”的主要内容和启示。文章首先简述了研修班的举办目的和背景,然后从专业化发展的理论内涵以及知识构建中接受性知识和实践知识的关系两方面反思了教师职业化发展的内涵。接下来,本文对教师职业化发展的可用策略进行了四项重点探讨:(1)同行听课重在“平等”而非“评价”;(2)行动研究必须依托实际的“外语”而非“二语”教学情境;(3)教师研究要以规范保证质量;(4)以组建校本学习共同体促进教师专业化发展。文章最后评价了此次研修班的重要意义和外语教师专业化发展的动态持续性。 This article summarizes and introspects the main content and enlightenment of “Foreign Language Teachers Professional Development Seminar ” from two aspects of teacher professionalization and development strategy. First of all, the article briefly describes the purpose and background of the seminar, and then reflects on the connotation of the professional development of teachers from two aspects: the theoretical connotation of professional development and the relationship between accepting knowledge and practical knowledge. In the following, the article makes four key discussions on the available strategies for the professional development of teachers: (1) peer-based lectures focus on “equality” rather than “evaluation”; (2) action research must rely on actual “ Foreign language ”rather than “ second language ”teaching situation; (3) teachers should standardize the quality assurance; (4) to establish a school-based learning community to promote teacher professional development. The article finally evaluates the significance of the seminar and the dynamic continuity of the professional development of foreign language teachers.
目的 报告 67例卵巢纯型未成熟畸胎瘤的治疗结果 ,并探讨影响患者生存的预后因素。方法 回顾性分析 :1 985-1 998年我院收治的 67例卵巢纯型未畸胎瘤的治疗情况。其中包括