The Variation Theory of Comparative Literature and the Cross-Civilization Studies

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当今比较文学学术界思考的两大前沿问题一是对差异的关注,另外一个便是对跨文明现象即文明的差异与文明的冲突问题的研究。这两大前沿的交汇处正是比较文学学科理论研究新的意义生成点,也是在这样的学术背景下,比较文学变异学理论应运而生。比较文学变异学要谈的跨文明研究,与同质文明圈内的跨文化研究不尽相同。变异学跨文明研究注重的是中西文化系统之间的异质性,研究不同文明之间文学相互影响过程中的变异关系,其典型的理论就是文明对话与话语变异、文学的他国化,如“西方文论的中国化”等问题。 One of the two cutting-edge issues now considered by the comparative literature academia is the concern for differences. The other is the study of the cross-civilization phenomenon that is the difference between civilizations and the clash of civilizations. The confluence of these two frontier is the new meaning of the comparative literature theory of theoretical research, but also in this academic context, Comparative Literature Variation Theory came into being. Cross-cultural studies on comparative variability in literature are not the same as cross-cultural studies in a homogeneous civilization. Transcultural studies of variability focus on the heterogeneity between Chinese and Western cultural systems and study the variation relationship between different civilizations in the process of their mutual influence. The typical theory is that civilizations’ dialogues and variations of discourse, other nationalizations of literature, such as “Westernization of Western Literary Theory” and other issues.
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摘要 文学语言不同于其他语言,其间接性、情感性以及形象性的特点,使得文学语言的解读和分析有别于其他语言。运用认知语言学的方法对文学语言进行分析,是文学批评的一种全新尝试。认知语言学对文学语言有着不容忽视的影响和指导,认知语言学影响下的文学理论的认知批评模式,更是近几年来文学理论界广泛关注的焦点。认知批评通过认知科学来探索作者、读者以及文本的关系,从而为新时期文艺理论的繁荣创造了全新的发展方向。