近来 ,有关今年油菜籽收购价格要高于往年的报道和分析文章不断增多 ,总结各种原因不外乎是 :第一 ,今年我国油菜籽播种面积可能要低于早前的预期 ,并且长江流域油菜籽主产区的不利天气条件 ,也将造成产量预期的下降 ;第二 ,我国油菜籽压榨能力大幅提高 ,国产油菜籽产量远远不?
Recently, there has been an increasing number of reports and analysis articles on this year’s Rapeseed purchase price higher than in previous years. The reasons for this are nothing more than the following: First, the sown area of rapeseed in China this year may be lower than earlier expected, and the Yangtze River Basin Adverse weather conditions in the main producing areas of rapeseed will also lead to a drop in output expected. Second, the rapeseed crushing capacity in China has risen substantially, and the yield of domestically produced rapeseed is far from yet.