与花为伴 默默奉献——记全国模范教师、大同县瓜园中学教师王武飞

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王武飞和许许多多的教育同仁一样,在平凡的教育岗位上,不断学习、实践,不断反思、成长,做着一个教师应该做和能够做到的工作。以德育人,爱生至上王老师认为,教师的爱是一种神圣的爱。这种爱包含母爱且胜于母爱,包含父爱且超越父爱,是一种严格要求和精心施教的爱。教学中,他心里始终怀着这种爱。“以德为重,以爱为先”是王老师做教师的宗旨。在教育教学中,他尽量照顾到每一位学生,尤其对在学习上、生活上有困难的农村学生。2008年夏季,一位学生不幸得了白血病,家里又不富裕,王老师带头组织全班学生献爱心捐款,后来全校师生都纷纷响应,为这位学生筹集看病 Wang Wufei, like many other education colleagues, constantly studies, practices, constantly rethinks, grows, and does what he or she should and can do in an ordinary education post. To educate people, love the king, Wang believes that teacher’s love is a divine love. Such love, which contains maternal love and is better than maternal love, contains paternal love and goes beyond paternal love, is a kind of strict requirement and careful love. In teaching, he always cherished this love. “To Germany as the most important, love first” is the purpose of teacher Wang to do. In education and teaching, he tries his best to take care of every student, especially for rural students who have difficulties in learning and living. Summer 2008, a student unfortunately had leukemia, the family is not rich, Wang took the lead in organizing the class to offer love donations, and later the school teachers and students have responded to raise the students for the doctor