尽管到目前为止女性绝育方法已有200余种.输卵管绝育术相对来说还是一种较新的手术。早在1849年 Friorep 便提出经宫颈进行女性绝育的看法,1927年 mickulicz 等首先采用宫腔镜直接看到了输卵管子宫入口並试行绝育术。近代经宫颈绝育术依输卵管堵塞的机理可分为三类:①以热能(电灼或冷冻)破坏输卵管间质部;②注射某些物质使组织发生硬化或粘连;③用机械性堵塞物或栓子使输卵管不通。现人们越来越
Although there are more than 200 methods for female sterilization so far, tubal sterilization is relatively new. As early as 1849, Friorep proposed the idea of transcervical sterilization of the female cervix. In 1927, mickulicz first used the hysteroscope to directly see the tubal uterine entrance and tried sterilization. Modern cervical sterilization according to the mechanism of tubal blockage can be divided into three categories: ① heat (electrocautery or freezing) to damage the tubal interstitial; ② injection of certain substances to the tissue hardening or adhesions; ③ with mechanical blockage or Emboli make fallopian tube barrier. Now people are more and more