辽宁省盖州市城关镇门屯村民兵连长李解城接到北疆边唾哨兵于海的一张立功喜报,如酷暑临清风兴奋极了,当他风尘仆仆赶到于海家道贺时,于海的父亲于全锁激动地拉着他的手说:“这全归功于你啊!” 1995年冬季征兵开始后,于海找民兵连长李解城要报名参军。李解城想到他的家庭情况,父亲患肺结核,母亲精神病一年至少复发五、六次,弟弟还在读初中……只好劝他说:“小海,你还是在家照顾全家人
When Li Jiecheng, commander of the militia at Menting Village, Chengguan Town, Chengguan Town, Liaoning Province, received a meritorious service in the northern border of Xinjiang, he was very excited when the weather was very clear. When his long-serving husband arrived at the sea to congratulate him, his father in the sea In the full lock excitedly pulled his hand and said: “This is all due to you ah!” After the beginning of the winter 1995 conscription, Yuhai to find militia commander Li Jiecheng to register for the army. Li Jiecheng think of his family situation, his father suffering from tuberculosis, mothers mental illness recurrence of at least five or six times a year, my brother was still studying junior high school ... had to persuade him: "Little Sea, you still take care of the whole family at home