浙江黄岩市是单一马来丝虫病流行区,中华按蚊为主要传播媒介。1979和1980年经省地及卫生部丝虫病考核组考核验收.达到了卫生部规定的基本消灭丝虫病标准。尔后,并未采取防治措施。1985~1987年人群调查18个乡镇、43个村,血检34 858人(其中10岁以下儿童5 189人),占全市总人口的3.99%,占流行区总人口的4.98%,未检出微丝蚴血症者。1982、1985
Zhejiang Huangyan City is a single endemic area of Malayan filariasis, Anopheles sinensis as the main media. In 1979 and 1980, the provincial department of filariasis assessment by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health passed the examination and acceptance, meeting the basic standards for the elimination of filariasis stipulated by the Ministry of Health. Later, did not take preventive measures. Between 1985 and 1987, 18 townships and 43 villages and 43 858 blood tests (including 5 189 children under 10 years of age) were surveyed in the population, accounting for 3.99% of the total population in the city, accounting for 4.98% of the total population in the epidemic area. Microfilaria fever who. 1982,1985