1 性格特点城镇来的学生大多思想活跃,性格开朗、乐观,接受新事物快,观点变化也快,自信,能说会道,属于外向型。但说得多,做得少,吃苦精神不够。农村来的学生劳动观念较强,能吃苦,为人正直,生活节俭。缺点是胆怯,较孤僻,性格内向。但苏南地区来的学生比苏北的活泼,经济宽裕,开销也较大方些。独生子女学生智力发展较好,大多数都很聪明,爱动脑筋,知识面广。但软弱,不能受委屈,任性,不合群,不懂得尊重别人。 2 性格的形成对性格的形成,起主要作用的是家庭、社会环境和学校教育。在家庭,父母对子女过于溺爱,难以培养出
1 personality traits most of the students in town are active, cheerful, optimistic, accept new things fast, ideas change fast, confident, can speak, is extrovert. But much more, less done, less hard-working spirit. Students from rural areas have a stronger concept of working hard, hard working, honest and living frugal. The disadvantage is timid, more withdrawn, introverted. However, the students from southern Jiangsu are more lively and enthusiastic than the northern Jiangsu and have more expenses. Only child students develop better intelligence, most are very smart, love their brains, a wide range of knowledge. But weak, can not be wronged, wayward, not gregarious, do not know how to respect others. 2 formation of personality formation, play a major role in the family, social environment and school education. In the family, parents are too spoiled about their children and can not cultivate them