The Influence and Countermeasures of Negative Transfer on English Syntactic learning in Junior Middl

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  【Abstract】In our country, School in developed areas obtain fruitful result through pilot reform, but in underdeveloped areas, especially in western Hunan, application based on new curriculum standard have deficiency. In view of the traditional syntactic teaching problems, this paper from the specific situation that students in junior middle school of Western Hunan are affected by the negative transfer of mother tongue under traditional teaching mode, discussed to solve students’ common syntax errors and come up with relevant solution approaches provided to teaching reference.
  【Key words】Negative Transfer of Mother Tough; Second Language Acquisition; Task-based Language Teaching
  1. The common sentence problems of junior formers in Western Hunan
  There are eight kinds of special sentence patterns in Chinese, including “Existential sentence、Negative sentence、Gearing sentence、Pivotal sentence、Comparative sentence、Multiple expression、Non-subject sentence”. In order to find out what is easier to make students meet learning obstacles, a questionnaire is designed for the whole of middle school English teachers. By comparing the questionnaire, it’s easy to see three sentence pattern has a high error rate. The possible error rates were more than 80%of the test. These sentence were Gearing Sentence and Negative sentence.
  2. Countermeasures of syntactic problems based on TBLT
  This chapter mainly talked about countermeasures of syntactic problems.
  2.1 Problem Solving Task of gearing sentence
  Problem solving task provides students with evaluation and feedback for knowledge .students can learn to sum up syntactic rules and apply their knowledge to all, which have great effect to reduce the interference of negative transfer.
  2.1.1 Problem Solving Task of dangling modifiers problem
  Pre-task: Combined with teacher`s language statement and example demonstration, in the case that students have read syntactic knowledge, students have basic understanding of usage regarding dangling modifiers modifying main clause. Students should learn language knowledge needed to complete the task, and let them realize these language knowledge are loosely linked to the next task.
  Task cycle: a. Firstly, the teacher introduce the topic. Such as “Seeing their examination result, he was very upset”. b. Questions were asked. Why was he upset? Expand your mind about what’s possible,Please. c. Divide the students into several groups. Demand groups answer by group discussion. Group A:His house burned, he was very upset. Group B: Having killed a child, he was very upset. Group C: Being in trouble, he was very upset. d. Teacher summarizes each answer of every group and evaluate. Wrong sentence patterns should be pointed out timely. Such as, Group A use dangling modifiers to modify non-subject.   Post task: Ask students to finish the quiz teacher make on dangling modifiers. The type of questions are items of error correction and Completion. Students are required to complete all practice correctly and teacher emphasizes dangling modifiers must modify subject.
  2.2 Information Gap Task of negative sentence
  Under information gap task, students can form specific insights on the use of negative sentences, not just the knowledge of book. Pragmatics is wider and error rate is lower.
  2.2.1 Information Gap Task of lacking auxiliary
  Pre-task:Combined with teacher`s language statement and example demonstration, in the case of students have read syntactic knowledge, students have basic understanding of negative sentence structure.
  Task cycle:Teacher layouts a solitaire game regarding usage of auxiliary. Subject is my favorite and least favorite food. a. Teacher asks what kind of food is your favorite food and what kind of food is your least favorite food. b. A Student in a group answer I like… most. I don’t like… most. Then, the student asks another one I think you like …most and you don’t like… most. What kind of food is your favorite food? What kind of food is your least favorite food? Students are required to finish task between group and class. Teacher summarizes gap information and emphasizes correct sentence structure repeatedly.
  Post task: Ask students to finish the quiz teacher make on negative sentence. The type of questions is items of error correction and translation.
  3. Conclusion
  Compared with 3P mode, TBLT can promote the syntactic teaching more effectively and have obvious effect on reducing interference of negative transfer. Thus it can be seen that compared with 3P mode, the TBLT can improve students’ syntactic level more effectively. These methods were proved that have obvious effect in response to these specific problem.
  [1]Ellis,R.Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003.
【摘要】苏霍姆林斯基说过:“在人的心灵深处,总有一种根深蒂固的需要,这就是希望自己是一个发现者,研究者,探索者。”而在高中生的精神世界中,这种需要特别强烈。因此,在课堂上,教师必须把点拨、启发和引导放在首位,尽量做到“问题尽可能让学生发现并提出;重点、难点尽可能让学生合作、探究;方法、结论尽可能让学生尝试概括。”让课堂成为学生张扬个性、飞溅智慧火花的舞台。  【关键词】 英语课堂 反思 尝试  问
【摘要】CBI教学模式强调良好的语言环境,将教学的中心由语言本身转移到内容上来。这种教学模式在大学英语教学中的应用使得学生的学习成绩和学习热情都得到提高。但同时也对大学英语教师和教学材料提出了更高的要求。  【关键词】CBI教学模式 大学英语教学 应用  一、语境与CBI教学模式  肖峰先生在《从哲学看符号》中指出:“语言总是被使用着的语言,语言又是在一定的环境中被使用的,这里的环境包括一定的发讯
【摘要】英语语音教学在英语语言学习中有着重要的作用,它是学习英语的基础。本文从三个方面阐述了英语语音学习对内地西藏班初中生的英语学习的重要性。第一,从语音教学开始可以让所有同学同时起跑;第二,从语音教学开始可以为学习英语打下坚实基础;第三,从语音教学开始,不做只会考试的“哑巴英语”学习者。  【关键词】语言 语音教学 内地西藏班  现在的学生从小学三年级开始学习英语,所以到初中时已经对语音有一定的
【摘要】本文以行动研究的理论为基础,对大学英语课程教学中进行教学行动研究,探讨这种方法在大学英语教学中的实践意义。  【关键词】大学英语 教学行动研究  本文以行动研究的理论为基础,用教学实例分析了行动研究在课堂教学中的实施过程及其效果,期望达到推广行动研究方法在大学英语教学中的应用以促进教学的改进,实现大学英语教师和学生共同发展的目的。  一、行动研究内涵  行动研究是一种适合于广大教育实际工作
【摘要】本文结合湖北职业技术学院临床医学英语教学现状,在明确ESP与EOP区别的前提下,从生源、师资力量、教材、教学模式等方面分析我校EOP教学模式的现状,找出问题并提出对策。  【关键词】高职高专 职业英语 现状 分析 对策  随着近年国家对高等职业教育发展力度的加大,高职高专已成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。进一步推动高等职业教育的发展,深化高职院校大学英语教学改革,是其發展的客观规律。当前,
木本少年:姚文婷(安吉县高级中学)  擅长:植物摄影  “咔嚓——”  “桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。”阳春三月,阳光下枝头上燃烧的桃花模样就这样被定格在了这一刹那:一树烟火,缱绻着深深浅浅的粉,如梦似幻。   我爱植物摄影,不论多忙,不论去哪。春夏秋冬,四时之景不一;日出日落,每刻之景不同。小到阳台一隅,大到原野新田,植物们总是无处不在。   我爱在雨后初晴时拍摄,抑或是直接在雨中拍摄,因为我沉迷于
【摘要】本研究将翻转课堂教学模式引入外贸函电课程教学,实施“课前微课视频自主学习、课堂写作项目小组实践、课后拓展写作独立实践”的教学模式和学习模式,切实学生提高英文外贸函电的阅读、写作的能力。  【关键词】外贸函电 翻转课堂 教学模式  外贸函电是商务英语写作的重要内容之一,实践性非常强。当前外贸函电课堂仍然花费大量的时间进行知识传授,将大部分交流实践放在课后进行,教育出来的学生还是只会考试,难以