“月球大使馆 CEO”李捷这几年一直是一个颇受争议的人物。从做一个算命软件发家,到注册包括联通、INTEL 在内的100多个没有实际产品的商标并对侵权者进行索赔,到最近注册“月球大使馆”销售月球,都赚足了眼球。据《京华时报》报道,李捷近日在接受记者采访时,承认自己“钻了法律的空子”。笔者实际上不太赞同使用“钻”这个字眼,因为一个“钻”字,勾画的是一幅“贼眉鼠眼”、“投机钻营”的形象,无疑具有或多或少的贬义,在某种程度上是对“钻法律空子者”略显无奈的否定性评价。笔者认为,敢于“钻法律的空子”本身就是对法律的尊重,是法治的进步。因此,“合理利用法律漏洞”的措词,可能比“钻法律空子”更为合适。我国法律属于大陆法系,以成文法为守法和执法的依据,强调
Li Jie, CEO of the Moon Embassy, has been a controversial figure for years. From being a fortune telling software developer, to registering more than 100 trademarkless real products including China Unicom and INTEL, claiming the infringer, and recently registering the “Moon Embassy” to sell the moon, they have earned enough attention. According to the “Jinghua Times” report, Li Jie recently admitted in an interview with reporters that he admitted that he “drilled a loophole in the law.” I actually do not agree with the use of the word “diamond” because a “diamond” characterizes an image of “specter” and “speculative drilling” undoubtedly with more or less derogatory meaning, to some extent It is a somewhat negative comment on the “law loophole”. The author believes that dare to “drill law loopholes” itself is respect for the law, is the progress of the rule of law. Therefore, the phrase “rational use of legal loopholes” may be more appropriate than “law loopholes.” Our law belongs to the civil law system, with statutory law as the basis for law enforcement and law enforcement, emphasizing