
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoudddmmm
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一、注重言语交际能力的培养 “素质教育”力求培养学生的综合素质,因此,培养学生的言语交际能力,是外语教学中实施素质教育的基本手段,外语教学的最终目的也是要培养学生的外语交际能力。现代俄语教学法已把交际性原则提高到首要地位,那么该怎样切实地贯彻交际性原则,最终培养学生的言语交际能力,提高学生的综合素质呢?我想应该注意以下几点: (一)把外语作为交际具来教,来学。 交际性原则要求把外语作为交际工具来教,也要求学生把外语作为交际工具来学。交际过程中包含理解和表达两个方面,全面地掌握语言交际工具应既能理解又会表达,即学会使用外语进行听、说、读、写的活动。贯彻交际性原则就是要全面地进行言语能力训练,不但要教会学生能懂得别人用外语表达的思想,而且也应当教会他们能用正确的外语来表达自己的思想。掌握语言工具要从点滴做起,凡是学生已会的句子,教师就应该要求他们用,而且要尽量创造机会让他们用。这样,学生就会对外语学习感兴趣,体会到学外语的价值。所以,贯彻交际性原则有助于培养学生的言语交际能力和对外语的兴趣。 (二)合理地选择、组织与提出语言材料 贯彻交际性原则就不能再沿用过去那种依次学习语音、词法、句法的旧方法,而采用以语言各要素在实际交际中的功能特点? First, pay attention to the ability of communicative competence development “quality education” to cultivate the overall quality of students, therefore, to develop students 'communicative competence is the basic means of implementing quality education in foreign language teaching, the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to develop students' foreign language Communication skills. So, how to effectively implement the communicative principle and finally cultivate students' communicative competence and improve the overall quality of students? I think we should pay attention to the following points: (1) Foreign language as a communicator to teach, to learn. Communicative principles require foreign language as a communication tool to teach, but also require students to use foreign language as a communication tool to learn. Communication process includes two aspects of understanding and expression, a comprehensive grasp of language communication tools should be able to understand and will express, that learn to use foreign languages ​​to listen, speak, read and write activities. To implement communicative principles is to conduct comprehensive training in verbal ability, not only to teach students to understand other people's ideas expressed in foreign languages, but also to teach them to express themselves in the correct foreign language. Grasp language tools to start from scratch, all the students have sentence, teachers should ask them to use, but also try to create opportunities for them to use. In this way, students will be interested in foreign language learning, experience the value of learning a foreign language. Therefore, the implementation of the principle of communication helps to develop students' communicative competence and interest in foreign languages. (B) a reasonable choice to organize and put forward language materials Implementing the principle of communication can no longer follow the past that in turn learn the phonetic, lexical, syntactic old method, but to use the various elements of language in the actual communication in the functional characteristics?
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