In October 1990, Japan's Sharp Corporation awarded the American scientist George Helmut with a gratitude for the flat-panel LCD screen he invented 25 years ago, making the company profitable. Twenty-five years ago, he was a young researcher at the U.S. radio company, and the result he invented was neglected by the company. Japanese Sharp's decision-makers insightful, bought the patent. Twenty years later, the Japanese used the patented mass-produced flat-panel LCD to dominate the world market, with the exception of liquid crystal displays such as calculators, electronic timepieces and walkie-talkies, which are now widely used in portable electronic computers. This incident has aroused strong repercussions in the United States, believing that American entrepreneurs have a short-sighted vision, while shrewd Japanese know how to pick the fruit from the shoulders of Americans faster and more effectively. Now, more and more entrepreneurs know that in order to seize the market, it should seize the opportunity to launch new products. For most businesses, asking for accurate forecasts of market trends is more difficult. However, experienced entrepreneurs can