毛泽东在长期的革命生涯中十分重视逻辑的理论研究和实践运用,有力地推动了我国逻辑科学的发展。本文试就毛泽东的逻辑思想与实践谈一些学习体会。 一 毛泽东一生都对逻辑保持着浓厚的兴趣。早在1912年,十九岁的毛泽东就阅读了《穆勒名学》、《名学浅谈》等西方逻辑名著,掌握了思维的逻辑技巧,并逐步形成了时刻检查自己思维和表达的逻辑性的良好习惯。1920年11月26日,毛泽东在给新民学会会员罗学瓒的信
Mao Tse-tung attaches great importance to the theoretical study and practice of logic in his long revolutionary career, which has effectively promoted the development of our country’s logic science. This article tries to talk about some learning experiences about Mao Zedong’s logic thoughts and practices. A Mao Zedong maintained a keen interest in logic. As early as 1912, Mao Zedong, who was 19, read the famous Western logical masterpieces such as “Mill Scholarly Studies” and “Famous Studies” and mastered the logical skills of thinking and gradually formed the logic of checking his own thinking and expression Good habits of sex. On November 26, 1920, Mao Zedong wrote a letter to Xinmin Institute member Luo Xuefan