Composed by Comrade He Jiesheng, based on the short story “Heart Sacrificial Offering,” the film “Zhongqiu Canyue” was recently filmed by the Pearl River Film Studio in Tongbai County, Henan Province. The film portrays the life of an ordinary woman who portrays an ordinary and great motherhood. In that evil old China, she died of her husband’s unfortunate death with her five daughters. When she was about to marry for the second time, the horrific clans and feudal forces took the happiness she deserved. After the liberation, the daughters have their own destination, they are bent on the joy of the mother, happiness, deliberately took the mother of the country to live in the city. They think this is the honor of the elderly, but when the mother proposed his remarriage with the aspirations of the heart for many years, they were cynical and strongly opposed to the daughters ... The film actress mother by the famous actress Zheng Zhenyao, this is her Since the third "Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress after another new work. The film director Cao Zheng, photography Baiyun Shen, Zhao Jiajie, director of production Tao Yi, Wang Liping, Du Gang Gang dubbed the film composer. The filming is expected to be completed in May this year