刮除果树粗老翘皮能有效防止腐烂病、轮纹病的发生,能消灭在老皮中越冬的大量螨类、病菌、虫卵,减轻来年危害,可使衰弱树恢复生机,但在具体操作时要注意以下七要点: 一、时间 刮粗皮可在果树落叶至萌芽前的休眠期进行。实践证明,早春刮皮优于冬季,它能保证健壮的树势,使树体安全越冬。同时由于许多天敌开始活动时间早于害虫,为了保护天敌应在萌芽前适当推迟刮皮。 二、对象 老树、早衰树和出现老翘皮的幼树。 三、部位 重点是主干及主枝基部。对已患病的树干应彻底、干净地刮除。
Scraping the old tree bark of fruit trees can effectively prevent the occurrence of rot disease and ring rot disease, and can eliminate a large number of mites, germs and eggs that winter in the old skin, and reduce the danger in the coming year, which can revitalize the weak tree. However, The operation should pay attention to the following seven points: First, the time scraping the bark can be in the dormant period before deciduous fruit trees to bud. Practice has proved that in early spring skin scraping better than in winter, it can ensure robust tree vigor, so that the winter tree security. At the same time as many natural enemies begin to move earlier than the pests, in order to protect the natural enemies should be properly delaying scraping the skin before budding. Second, the object old tree, premature aging tree and emergence of the old warped young tree. Third, the site focuses on the trunk and the main branch base. The diseased trunk should be thoroughly and cleanly scraped.