在当代公法学中,法院的违宪审查权的确立是一个日趋重要的课题。因为这种制度的确立能使宪法的真正效力和实际作用大大增加,并可构成对立法机关和行政机关的滥权行为的一种监察和制衡机制。自从美国在1803年Marbury V Madision 案中首创这一制度以来,世界上很多国家都在其政治体制中引进了某种形式的违宪审查机制,以此作为监督实施的主要途径之一。香港是中国的特别行政区,拥有自己的基本法,作为拥有终审权的特别行政区的法院,应如何在继承原有行使违宪审查权的优点的基础上架构起新的违宪审查制度,从而真正发挥其特有的作用呢?这是值得研究的问题。基于此,本文从违宪审查制度、香港回归之前的违宪审查制度、香港特别行政区法院的违宪权的行使、香港违宪审查的程序和司法补救以及香港特别行政区违宪审查制度的未来等方面渐次展开论述。
In contemporary public law, the establishment of the court’s power of reviewing the unconstitutional act is an increasingly important issue. Because the establishment of such a system can greatly increase the true effectiveness and practical effect of the constitution and can constitute a monitoring and check-and-balance mechanism for abuse of power by the legislature and the executive authorities. Since the United States initiated the system in Marbury V Madision in 1803, many countries in the world have introduced some form of unconstitutional review mechanism into their political system as one of the main ways to monitor their implementation. Hong Kong, as a special administrative region of China, has its own basic law. As a court with a special administrative power of final adjudication, Hong Kong should establish a new constitutional review system based on the merits of the original exercise of the power of unconstitutional review so as to truly exert its unique What is the role of this? This is a question worth studying. Based on this, the dissertation discusses the constitutional review system, the unconstitutional review system prior to the reunification of Hong Kong, the exercise of the unconstitutional rights of Hong Kong SAR courts, the procedure and judicial remedy of the constitutional review of Hong Kong and the future of the constitutional review system of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.