The three major radiation issues considered in the military are: 1) the ionization dose limit; 2) the ionization dose rate limit; and 3) the neutron flux limit. X-rays and gamma rays produce photocurrent from source to drain. Dosage rate of 10 ~ 8 ~ 10 ~ 8 rad / sec is enough to change the logic state of MOS devices. Devices to be reinforced by radiation must withstand the dose rate of 10 ~ 8 rad / sec above. When χ-needle and γ-ray disappear, photocurrent stops immediately. In addition to generating photocurrents, x-rays and gamma rays trap charge waves in the gate oxide. This charge is cumulative when the beam is bombarded continuously. Charge trapping causes the MOS device threshold voltage to go high. For most MOS devices, a dose of about 10 to 4 rads causes the threshold voltage to change rapidly. The device is considered to be truly reinforced, the ionization dose limit to reach the level of 10 to 8 Ladd, that is, unless the total dose of more than 10 to 8 Ladd, or the threshold voltage will not have a significant change. These radiation dose values are approximate and vary depending on the device, material, and process structure.