研究了一种在密闭容器内进行微波湿法消解进而用二苯卡巴肼分光光度法测定土壤中微量铬的方法, 对微波消解的程序和溶剂等进行了试验和优化。与传统消解法相比,该法具有操作简便、省时、不沾污样品和 不污染环境等优点。样品分析结果的相对标准偏差约为0.5%(n=8),加标回收率为97.5%- 99.0%,与国家 标准方法测得的结果吻合
A method for determination of trace chromium in soil by diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometry was studied in this paper. The microwave digestion procedure and solvent were studied and optimized. Compared with the traditional digestion method, the method has the advantages of simple operation, time saving, non-staining samples and no environmental pollution. The relative standard deviation (RSD) was about 0.5% (n = 8) and the recovery was 97.5% -99.0%, which was in good agreement with the national standard method