A study of the disciplinary structure of mechanics based on the titles of published journal articles

来源 :Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengyunshe
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Scientometrics is an emerging academic field for the exploration of the structure of science through journal citation relations.However,this article aims to study those subject-relevant journals’contents rather than studying their citations contained therein with the purpose of discovering a given disciplinary structure of science such as mechanics in our case.Based on the title wordings of 68,075 articles published in 66 mechanics journals,and using such research tools as the word frequency analysis,multidimensional scaling analysis and factor analysis,this article analyzes similarity and distinctions of those journals’contents in the subject field of mechanics.We first convert complex internal relations of these mechanics journals into a small number amount of independent indicators.The group of selected mechanics journals is then classified by a cluster analysis.This article demonstrates that the relations of the research contents of mechanics can be shown in an intuitively recognizable map,and we can have them analyzed from a perspective by taking into account about how those major branches of mechanics,such as solid mechanics,fluid mechanics,rational mechanics(including mathematical methods in mechanics),sound and vibration mechanics,computational mechanics,are related to the main thematic tenet of our study.It is hoped that such an approach,buttressed with this new perspective and approach,will enrich our means to explore the disciplinary structure of science and technology in general and mechanics in specific. Scientometrics is an emerging academic field for the exploration of the structure of science through journal citation relations.However, this article aims to study those subject-relevant journals’contents rather than studying their citations contained therein with the purpose of discovering a given disciplinary structure of science such as mechanics in our case. Based on the title wordings of 68,075 articles published in 66 mechanics journals, and using such research tools as the word frequency analysis, multidimensional scaling analysis and factor analysis, this article yetational similarity and distinctions of those journals’ contents in the subject field of mechanics. We first convert complex internal relations of these mechanics journals into a small amount amount of independent indicators. The group of selected mechanics journals is then classified by a cluster analysis. This article demonstrates that the relations of the research contents of mechanics can be shown in an intuitively reco gnizable map, and we can have them analyzed from a perspective by taking into account about how those major branches of mechanics, such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, rational mechanics (including mathematical methods in mechanics), sound and vibration mechanics, computational mechanics, are related to the main thematic tenet of our study.It is hoped that such an an approach, buttressed with this new perspective and approach, will enrich our means to explore the disciplinary structure of science and technology in general and mechanics in specific.
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近年来,在“有效教学”的大旗下,在创建教学共同体的热潮中,我市许多学校积极借鉴先进的办学理念和教学成果,以求课堂教学形式、水平和效果的全面提升。但是,部分学校对先进教学模式生搬硬套,进行削足适履式的改革,这与“有效教学”的目标其实是背道而驰的。  教学主体、教学对象和教学内容的多样性,决定了教学模式也必须灵活多样。因此,在借鉴课堂教学模式的时候,应当贯彻“适合”“适度”和“适用”的原则,不能一味地
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Purpose:China Academic Library&Information System(CALIS)planned to launch an institutional repository(IR)project to promote IR development and open access at co