有报道,1ml唾液含微生物数10~5~10~(10),其中50%为病原性微生物,可通过唾液、牙垢和血液沾污印模表面而传染给其他患者或口腔科医生。为预防传染,对印模表面应进行消毒处理,但又不要使印模遭受破坏或变形,也不适宜长时问浸泡在化学消毒液中。 为对印模表面进行快速有效的消毒,使用动态等离子流消毒器《плазмодин-300》,紫外线照射等离子,等离子化学激活粒子流,氮和(或)氩等离子流对印模的透过速度为0.6~10M/s,处理时间不足1s即有效。作用方式有两种:
It has been reported that 1 ml of saliva contains 10 to 5 to 10 10 microorganisms, of which 50% are pathogenic microorganisms that can be transmitted to other patients or dentists by staining the impression surface with saliva, tartar and blood. To prevent infection, the impression surface should be disinfected, but do not make the impression suffered damage or deformation, it is not suitable for a long time to soak in the chemical disinfectant. In order to quickly and efficiently sterilize the impression surface, a dynamic plasma sterilizer “плазмодин-300”, a UV plasma, a plasma chemically activated particle stream, and a nitrogen and / or argon plasma stream were used to impress 0.6 ~ 10M / s, less than 1s processing time is effective. There are two ways of acting: