On November 15,1999,after 13 years ofnegotiations between China and the UnitedStates,the two countries finally signedthe bilateral agreement on the issue ofChina’s joining in the World Trade Organi-zation(WTO).This event marks an impor-tant step forward for China in its sus-tained efforts to become a member of theWTO,and with ongoing talks with the re-maining countries,China expects to fulfillthe joining procedures required by the
On November 15, 1999, after 13 years of negotiations between China and the United States, the two countries finally signed the bilateral agreement on the issue of China’s joining in the World Trade Organization-WTO (WTO). This event marks an impor- tant step forward for China in its sus-tained efforts to become a member of the WTO, and with ongoing talks with the re-maining countries, China expects to fulfill the joining procedures required by the the