Reforming the Structure of Directors' Duties:Lessons from the UK

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INTRODUCTION The legal constraints on directors of UK companies have developed slowly over about 150 years, often drawing on even older concepts from the law of trusts,partnership law and the law of agency.The duties have now been placed on a statutory footing in the Companies Act 2006,Part 10.It is traditional to see the duties as falling into two quite distinct categories:common law duties of care and skill and fiduciary duties and,as will be seen,the statutory restatement follows this division.The move towards statutory restatement was first proposed by the English and Scottish Law Commissions in 1999,and the INTRODUCTION The legal constraints on directors of UK companies have developed slowly over about 150 years, often drawing on even older concepts from the law of trusts, partnership law and the law of agency.The duties have now been placed on a statutory footing in the Companies Act 2006, Part 10.It is traditional to see the duties as falling into two quite distinct categories:common law duties of care and skill and fiduciary duties and,as will be seen,the statutory restatement follows this division.The move towards statutory restatement Was first proposed by the English and Scottish Law Commissions in 1999, and the
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