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在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,我县人民以大寨为榜样,发扬“穷棒子”精神,以当年“书记动手,全党办社”的觉悟和干劲,认真落实毛主席“农业的根本出路在于机械化”的指示,在农业集体化的基础上,大办农业机械化。目前,全县共计四十四个公社(镇)都建立了农机站,五十九个大队建立了农机组,共计有大中型拖拉机二百零六台,手扶拖拉机二百九十一台,机耕水平达百分之四十六。随着工农业生产的发展,农业机械日益增多,必须管好、用好农业机械,使之充分发挥效能。我们的体会是:把握住主要矛盾,制定具体措施,一环扣一环地抓紧,才能在大办农业中,加速实现农业机械化。几年来,我们在党的一元化领导下,在发展农业机械化过程中,主要作了以下几个方面的工作。 Under the guiding principle of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, our county people took Dazhai as an example and carried forward the spirit of “poor cohesion,” and conscientiously implemented the principle of “working hard with the secretary of the whole Party” and earnestly implementing Chairman Mao’s “The fundamental way out of agriculture lies in the mechanization.” On the basis of collectivization of agriculture, we should make great efforts to mechanize agriculture. At present, a total of 44 communes (towns) have set up agricultural machinery stations in the county and 59 agricultural groups have set up agricultural machinery units, totaling 206 large and medium-sized tractors and 291 walking tractors, Cultivation level reached 46%. With the development of industrial and agricultural production, increasing number of agricultural machinery, we must manage and make good use of agricultural machinery to make full use of its efficiency. Our experience is: Grasping the major contradictions, formulating concrete measures and fastening them together in order to accelerate agricultural mechanization in the large-scale operation of agriculture. In the past few years, under the leadership of the party under the unified leadership of our party, we have mainly made the following efforts in the process of developing agricultural mechanization.
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由市规划局组织编制的《宁波市城市总体规划(2004 2020)实施评估》近日在宁波规划网上公示。《宁波市城市总体规划(2004-2020)》于2006年8月获得国务院批准。对《总规》实施