The pursuit of love

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  【Abstract】Holden made a crazy adventure of seeking love in New York. The author Salinger successfully created a spiritual world in which readers can emerge in beauty of silence, loneliness and restlessness. The origin of the values presented in the story lies in its narration style, which can be regarded as the unique reflection of the main character Holden Caulfield.
  【Key words】love; children; seek crazy
  The idea of love is a major theme that arises in many of J D Salinger’s characters. Love is used to protect and to care for people who need protecting and caring. In the novel, love is repeatedly used by the character, Holden Caulfield, who struggles desperately to find a certain somebody or anyone to allocate his love to, but finally he realizes this love is not necessarily expressed through saving “the children in the rye” from the time of trial, but actually caring for them and being their friends, during the time of trial. The constant need for love is overwhelming, and the tragedy of this great world is the fact that some people do not find the proper love that they deserve. Holden Caulfield is a perfect example of the striving people to acquire a love sought desperately all his life. According to this quote, “He is simply expressing an innocence incapable of genuine hatred Holden does not suffer from the inability to love, but does despair of finding a place to bestow his love”(Heiserman and Miller 30), Holden Caulfield has the need for allocating his cornucopia of love for people.
  1. love is pure
  When the little children are playing in the rye-field on the cliff top, Holden wants to be the one who catches them before they fall off the cliff. He is not driven toward honor or courage. He is not driven toward the love of woman. Holden is driven toward love of his fellowman... (Heiserman and Miller 25).In other words, he is not a tragic hero, but rather a misfortuned hero who struggles to find a person to give his love to. There is nothing tragic about his life.
  Holden also seeks circularity in his life. He revels in the virtues of softness of the edges, a roundness that can’t hurt anyone. He finds a comfort in the circular motions of the carousel. This illustrates the pure innocence of children, and the gold rings portray a sort of round goal that children seek and reach for.
  Holden seeks children, free of impurities. He can not stand this falling from children. Holden reasons, there is no fulfillment in the adult world, since all it can offer man is frustration or corruption, the only worthwhile task to which he can devote himself is that of the protector who stops children before they enter the world of destruction and phoniness and keeps them in a state of innocence.   2. love is hard
  He realizes that innocence is a very hard part of one’s soul to save. This eventually leads him to his final realizations. Holden has a few aspects and thoughts that help him to appease him slightly of the thirst for love. “In childhood he had what he is now seeking- non-phoniness, truth, innocence. He can find it now only in Phoebe and in his dead brother Allie’s baseball mitt, in a red hunting cap and the tender little nuns”(Heiserman and Miller 26). Phoebe is a hope that Holden holds in his heart. Her childish innocence gives him a true and pure outlook that lets him feel secure in her presence.
  What prompts Holden’s quest is his desire for unity, a desire that is expressed in the comfort and safety which he always felt in the Museum of Natural History. That was a ideal situation which can keep his loving forever. But such a reassuringly ordered universe is an impossible dream is emphasized by the fact that, when Holden visits the Museum near the conclusion of his New York odyssey, he sees the words “‘Fuck you’...written with a red crayon or something, right under the glass part of the wall, under the stones” (264). Holden wishes to erase the interminable “Fuck you” on all the alley walls and school corridors and sidewalks in the world.
  3. love is crazy
  Holden’s reiteration of the word “crazy” reminds us that his ambition is also “absurd,” for his Christ-like intention (suffering the little children to come unto him) is opposed to the reality in which children like his own sister, Phoebe, are carted of to the Lister Foundation to see movies on euthanasia and move along grimy school corridors which flaunt the words “Fuck you!” at them. While Holden has a vision of his role in the world, he is unable either to live the absurdity he has outlined or to develop an absurd faith.
  To act with morality and love in a universe in which God is dead (or, at least, in which historical preconceptions of God frequently seem invalid) is perhaps the most acute problem of our age. The progression from early stories in which the misfit hero can find genuine love only in children to the later stories in which mysticism is rejected in favor of an absurd love stance is a progression whose scope is perhaps not fully measured in the stories which Salinger has written, but more specifically in the personal struggle he has undergone in arriving at this philosophical position.
  [1]Miller,Edward Haviland.“In Memoriam:Allie Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye.” Mosaic 15:1(1982):129-40.
  [2]Ohmann,Carol and Richard.“Reviewers,Critics,and The Catcher in the Rye.” Critical Inquiry 3(1976):15-37.
【Abstract】I will briefly and superficially analyze their difference through a group of examples. I do this job in hope of helping readers understand the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s st
【摘要】本研究针对初中英语语音教学的现状与存在问题,基于相关教学理论,包括交际能力学说,学习动机理论,自我效能感理论和成败归因理论,结合初一学生的年龄特点和心理特征,进行初一年级的语音教学模式初探,提出了组内合作,组间竞赛,多趣味性活动的语音教学模式。  【关键词】初一语音教学模式 组内合作 组间竞赛 多趣味性活动  一、初中英语语音教学现状与挑战  良好的语音是学生学习英语的基础。但在实际课堂中
【摘要】小学阶段是英语学习的初始阶段,对于学生一生的知识体系的形成和侧重都至关重要。那么,占据了四项基本技能半壁江山的“听”和“读”毫无疑问是非常重要的。而培养学生准确和良好的“听”和“读”能力的最基本要求就是模仿磁带的发音。当学生掌握了单词、句子乃至长篇课文等语言组成部分的“听”和“读”技巧,他们的英语学习会更加顺畅自如,会有脱口而出的洋腔洋调。  【关键词】小学生 跟读磁带 洋腔洋调 终身学习
【摘要】小学英语教学中的教学与评价是紧密联系的,公正的到位的持续不断的评价是学生学习英语的“兴奋剂”。本文结合教学实际从评价的参与成员与评价内容体系两大方面做了详细的阐述。  【关键词】评价  新的《英语课程标准》提出:“要建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展的评价体系。”教育部对小学英语教学的评价是:小学英语教学评价的目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极性,评价形式应具有多样性和可选择性,评价应以
【摘要】本课题采用问卷调查和访谈的方法,研究了唐山一高校外语系师生和美国一高校师生组成学习社区(Learning Community),在线学习《道德经》的过程中的收获及存在的问题。本研究的结果对开展国内外教学和科研交流、培养学生思辨能力和实践能力,促进中、外更多教师教学团队的组建,有规划、有步骤、有反思的逐步扩大国内、外教育教学的合作和交流有一定的参考价值。  【关键词】学习社区(LC)在线学习
【摘要】社会主义市场经济体制的建立和逐步完善,对高等职业院校英语教学改革提出了新的要求,高职英语教育也必须更新教育目标,丰富教学内容,与时俱进。  【关键词】应用能力 交流工具 英语交流 现代化的教学手段 文化差异  近几年来,在教育部主管部门的领导下,高职英语课程教学改革和研究取得了重大进展。广大英语教学研究者特别是高职英语教学工作者,针对本学科的教学要求,结合本学科的教学实践,参照国外高等职业
【摘要】语言是传播文化的媒介,如果要掌握好一门语言,第一步就要熟悉语言所传承的文化。在进行高中英语学习的时候,学生需要重视英语文化的掌握,这样能够提高语言学习的效率,让语言的学习真正有意义。  【关键词】文化 高中英语教学 语言  一、语言教学和文化的联系  语言学习的意义在于便于交流与沟通,而人与人用不同的语言进行交流,本质上还是文化的碰撞。文化与语言是分不开的,文化通过语言来进行传递与碰撞,语
【摘要】新课标对于语法教学的新要求,导部分小学英语教师淡化甚至放弃语法教学,而有些教师依然采用传统教学模式进行授课。针对此现象,本文笔者依据基于认知心理学的自主学习,从知识输入和输出两方面提出一些教学建议。  【关键词】小学语法 知识输入 知识输出 自主探究  由于新课标明确指出,英语课程改革的重点就是改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇的讲解与传授,忽视学生语言运用能力的培养。而且新教材的编写对语法讲
【Abstract】We always talk about cultural differences around us. It seems to be very easy to receive and adapt to a new culture. However, the answer is totally adverse. When we are faced with other race
【摘要】本文以韩礼德和哈桑提出的衔接理论为依据,以朱自清《背影》及张培基英译文为语料对比分析,探讨了小句、句子间语篇层面的英汉连接词的用法差异。研究发现,英汉连接词用法存在异同点。在英汉翻译处理时,大多数汉语显性连接词可直译,同时需对用法不同的连接词进行添加、省略或转化处理。本文对促进英汉连接词翻译处理,促进英汉连接词写作等教学提供帮助。  【关键词】衔接理论 衔接关系 连接词 《背影》  引言