Brief Comparison between Darcy and Mr. Collins’ Letters in Pride and Prejudice

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  【Abstract】I will briefly and superficially analyze their difference through a group of examples. I do this job in hope of helping readers understand the author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s style and also characters’ personalities.
  【Key words】Darcy; Mr. Collins’ Letter; Pride and Prejudice
  In Pride and Prejudice, Darcy Fitzwilliam once writes a letter to Elizabeth for apology. This letter is full of affection and politeness. Also in Pride and Prejudice, there is also a letter from Mr. Collins to Mr. Bennet for his visit. I collect some passages from these two letters and also their translations in Chinese.
  Firstly, let me give you some background information on these two letters. Before Darcy writes the letter to Elizabeth, Darcy proposes marriage to Elizabeth but is refused. Elizabeth thinks Darcy breaks up her sister, Jane and Mr. Binley’s relation, which hurts Jane’s heart painfully. She also believes Darcy treats Mr. Wickham cruelly an unfairly. In order to make clear the truth, Darcy writes this letter to explain the two events. We can easily find politeness and humbleness among the lines.
  The second letter is based on Mr. Bennet’s estate. Since Mr. Bennet has no son, according to British law at that time, his property must be inherited by Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins writes this letter because, in one hand, he wants to build good connection with Mr. Bennet, and on the other hand, he wants to choose a wife from Mr. Bennet’s daughters. But as Mr. Collins looks stupid and conceited, his letter, compared with Darcy’s, is a low position.
  Over reading on Darcy’s letter to Eliabeth for apology, we could feel a sense of humbleness. Use of words can also, to some extent, reflect Darcy’s high education and his honorable character of respecting women. For example:
  1.“Be not alarmed.”
  2.“So disgusting to you”
  3.“You must, therefore, pardon the freedom with which I demand your attention.”
  Mr. Collins’ letter to Mr. Bennet for visit sounds rather awkward and a bit stupid compared with Darcy’s letter. According to the context, we know Mr. Collins is pedantry. He always wants to show off his knowledge, which is less and stupid, so that he can win Elizabeth’s favor. From following examples, we can sense his stupidity and pedant.
  1.“ disagreement” 中文:龃龉。
  2.“uneasiness” 中文:忐忑不安。
  3.“have frequently wished to heal the breach.” 中文:屡屡想要弥合这裂痕。
  4.“kept back by my own doubts” 中文:一度去心存疑虑以致裹足不前。
  The first letter is from Darcy and the second is Mr. Collins’. For each letter, I also add its translation in Chinese in order to help understanding the letter’s flavor. From the Chinese versions, we can also know the letters’ style. Translations, in order to explicit characters’ thoughts, translate some in very special way. We can feel that when translators translate Mr. Collins’ letter, he uses some words to demonstrate Mr. Collins’ stupidity and pedant, like “齟龉”, “一度却心存疑虑以致裹足不前”and etc. From whole translation passage, we also come to the same point. Since my analysis is rather limited, it needs more correction and expansion. I do hope his analysis can help readers understanding Pride and Prejudice more clearly and deeply.
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