一面对亿万双渴求艺术的眼睛,中国话剧该如何装点自身,方能丰姿灼灼、勾人魂魄?如果说,人民群众的审美趣味和欣赏习惯,极大地影响了中国戏曲艺术的美学观,形成了以形写神、以神传真的民族特色。那么,中国话剧呢?在“四堵墙”里去追求生活的幻觉,依然照抄西洋的演剧体系,与人民群众的审美趣味和欣赏习惯,是亲?还是疏? 迷恋于话剧舞台的写实性,通过对生活现象的逼真摹写去表现人、人与环境的关系,民族风格能跃然而出吗?
If we say that the aesthetic tastes and appreciation habits of the masses of the people have greatly influenced the aesthetics of Chinese opera art, Formed in order to shape God, God fax the national characteristics. So, Chinese drama? In the “four walls” to pursue the illusion of life, still copy the western drama system, and the people’s aesthetic taste and appreciation of habits, is pro or sparse obsessed with the realistic stage of the drama , Through the vivid description of the phenomenon of life to show the relationship between man and the environment, ethnic style can jump out of it?