水稻隔离层育秧是水稻栽培技术上的一项重要革新,即是采用苗床床底铺一层稻壳或炉灰做隔离物,上面再铺客土。把稻种播在客土上,然后盖塑料薄膜。这种方法在我地区经过近6年的试验证明,对于排水不良或盐碱瘠薄地培育壮秧有一定现实意义。隔离层育秧的作法 (1)一般作法秋翻耙地,并粗平一下,早春干作床,整平后再灌水找平,撤水铺隔离物,压实后铺床土(客土),再经灌水浸泡一天或一夜,撤水沉床播种复
Rice seedling cultivation is an important innovation in rice cultivation technology, that is, the use of seedbed bed with a layer of rice husk or ash as a spacer, and then paved soil. Sow rice seeds in the soil, and then cover the plastic film. This method in my area after nearly 6 years of tests proved that poor drainage or barren saline to cultivate strong seedlings have some practical significance. The practice of isolation seedling (1) The general practice Autumn rake, and rough, dry bed in early spring, leveling and then irrigation leveling, water diversion shop partition, compaction bed soil (earth), and then by Soak in water for a day or night, divert water to sow seedbed