Mark Hamblin告诉你实用拍摄技巧,利用自制的水池抓拍水边的鸟儿。很多时候,要靠近野生动物并拍摄是很困难的,所以你需要想一些方法让动物自己靠近你的相机。一种方式就是给鸟儿们提供一处水源,让它们可以喝水并沐浴。这样你就有绝佳的拍摄机会了!也许你的后院里面已经有一个池塘了,不过它们可能并不适合拍摄,所以你需要自己动手建造一个专为拍摄鸟儿使用的水池,让你能够拍出完美的倒影。只需要一点简单的设计和一些便宜的材料,
Mark Hamblin tells you practical shooting tips and uses a home-made pool to capture water-borne birds. Often times it is difficult to get close to wildlife and shoot, so you need to think of ways to get animals closer to your camera. One way is to provide the birds with a source of water that they can drink and bathe. So you have a great shot! Maybe you have a pond in the backyard, but they may not be suitable for shooting, so you have to create a pool for bird-shooting so you can shoot A perfect reflection. Only a little simple design and some cheap materials,