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一、悔民与国是同班同学,读高中,两人关系甚密。民父任公安局长,国父乃企业普通职工。一日,国父母出外办事,留国一人在家。民主动到国家陪国,二人同吃同住同玩。突然一天上午不见两人上学,班主任带人去找,撬门入室后见两人口吐白沫,系煤气中毒状,急救无效死亡。两家大悲,送至殡仪馆。因死者众而排队等候火化。民父交际广,找熟人先将民火化,夫妻捧骨灰大恸。隔日排号至国,因寒风拂面而醒,家人大喜。闻此,民父捶胸顿足。评析:矛盾就是事物自身包含的既对立又统一的关系,即对立统一。矛盾具有普遍性和客观性,矛盾双方在一定条件下可以相互转化。俗话说:“塞翁失马,焉知非福?”一切矛盾 I. Repentance of the people and the country are classmates. When I am in high school, the two have a close relationship. The father-in-law was the director of public security, and the father-in-law was an ordinary employee of the company. One day, the country’s parents went out to work and stayed in the country. Democracy moves to the country to accompany the country, and two people live and play together. Suddenly, one day, they did not see the two students attending school. The head teacher led people to look for it. After entering the room, they saw that the two people spit foam, gas poisoning and died of first aid. The two great sadnesses were sent to the funeral home. The queue was waiting for the cremation because of the dead. The father-daughter had a wide range of communication, and the acquaintances first sought to convert the civilians into cremation, and the husband and wife had ashes. On the next day, the number was assigned to the country, and the family was overjoyed when they awoke due to cold winds. Smell this, the father and father took a short walk. Commentary: Contradictions are the relations between the opposite and the unity of things, namely, the unity of opposites. Contradictions have universality and objectivity, and the contradictions can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. As the saying goes: “Seiweng lost the horse, knowing that it is not blessing?” "All contradictions
2005年9月26日 星期一  表弟的老爸利用在电视台工作的优势,为表弟弄到了一张李宇春的亲笔签名照。想到我同学肥玉米赵程昨天从中午到晚上一直守在锦佳大酒店外,都没能看到春春一眼,这张签名照就愈发显得珍贵。  我得想办法把照片弄过来。  吃过午饭,我和表弟开始讨价还价,最后达成协议,我的代价是帮他画十张《火影忍者》人物造型,外加每周代写一篇周记,一直到本学期结束。臭小子,偶简直成他的长工了。没办法
我出生在大西北的一座城市,我深深地喜欢小动物。小时候每当妈妈说要带我去叔叔阿姨家玩时,我总要先问她:“他们家养小动物了吗?”从5岁开始,我就一直没有断过养一只小宠 I